Saturday, June 20, 2009

Why you must NEVER let anyone do your makeup

"Ten years from now, this will be hilarious"

That is what I find myself saying over and over again, just to console myself or others. I know its cliche.I am sure everyone has had those days when something extremely embarrassing happens and you just want to runaway and hide. Like as you are accepting an award at school, your heal breaks and thud! on the floor. Or you are out with your mates and you sitting across the table from your crush and you choke. I certainly have had those times. Not just embarrassing things but really silly mistakes...

It was the Valentines Dance coming and all the excitement of a dance like shopping for clothes, doing hair, make-up. All those girly fun stuff. I had prepared everything the weekend before. I bought a red top, pink top and belt and really cute purse. F-A-B-U-L-O-U-S. I was bound to look stunning.

So at school I had worn my new red shirt, with 3/4 pants and purse. I had received so many compliments and I didnt even wear any make-up.I dont usually wear make-up except for lipgloss. As Lil Mama says" my lipgloss is poppin". Straight after school, me and my friend spent the afternoon at her house to get ready and all. From picking our outfits to doing eachothers nails. She offered to be my stylist for the day.It was fun as she painted my nails hot pink and black. Then now makeup time. As i mentioned before, I am not big on make-up but tonight i wanted to do something "daring". She applied the make-up, including the foundation. I was too busy feeling "glamorous" to actually notice what was wrong with my face. Too busy to notice what was wrong with the was made for a skin tone way lighter than mine.

After getting all glammed up, we took a few photos and got to the dance. We both had fun, dancing and all that. As the dance was coming to an end I took a photo of myself with another girl and I. After taking the picture, I looked at the photo. I could not believe it! I looked like a ghost. All pale. I was so upset, I ran to the bathroom and looked carefully. My face was pale and it was all because of the foundation being way too light. MY friends foundation was very light since she had light skin and my skin was dark. It looked like someone had put baby powder all over my face...

A few days after the dance I heard somebody say" remember that day when you tried to wear make-up'

So that is why i do my own make-up. This is of course one of the embarassing things I still laugh about. It is quite funny though. I guess

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